Exclusive invitations to a variety of events.
Special considerations for top tier summer programs, competitions, and exclusive internships.
Ability to learn from and network with top executives and entrepreneurs.
Connect with JEC’s Alumni Network, who attend some of the best universities around the world and are happy to give you mentorship, college admissions advice, and maybe even a job/internship.
Join a community. Build lifelong friendships and expand your personal and social network to like-minded youth from across Berlin.
Opportunities to expand your knowledge of a wide variety of topics.
Volunteering outlets and opportunities to give back to the Berlin community. (coming soon!)
Attendance at all three international economic forums (held seasonally) and at least three other events throughout the year.
Be engaged year-round and contribute to the events that you attend.
Take advantage of the opportunities we work hard to give our members.
Pay attention to our newsletters to keep yourself informed of new opportunities and updates.
Respond promptly to any organization outreach.
Members who fail to meet attendance requirements may be given a warning, and if behavior continues, removed from the club.
If you strongly believe you meet the criteria as stated above consider applying. We look forward to reading your application.